Your favorite logic circuit simulator is now available for download. This release marks a big milestone. Until today, Logicly has simply been a fun little simulator that runs in your browser. Finally, you can buy Logicly and get the ability to save your designs and work offline. Logicly is supported on Windows and Mac. Download the free 30-day trial, or try out the Logicly online demo without downloading anything. When you’re ready, buy Logicly to receive a product key by email to unlock the trial.
Thank you all for your patience while I put the finishing touches on Logicly. I’ve been working hard over the last five months to be sure everything is working solidly. If it weren’t for so many wonderful users like you folks, I would never have made Logicly more than the subject of a quick blog post two years ago. Ready to take your Logicly creations to the next level? Go buy Logicly right now!
As always, if you make something cool with Logicly, please post pictures on Facebook for everyone to see!
One reply on “Logicly now available for Windows and Mac”
It’s worth the money… Trust me…