We’re getting very close to the 1.0 desktop release of Logicly. The majority of the work I’ve been doing has been on the desktop app, but there have been a few overall changes here and there, so I thought I’d push out a new build.
In no particular order, here’s what you’ll find that’s different:
- There is no longer a separate Simulate perspective. Design and simulation are now combined, with simulation controls on the bottom left where the perspective toggle buttons appeared previously.
- Cut, copy, and paste have been added. They’re on the toolbar and they work with the standard keyboard shortcuts.
- There’s new setting called “Limit Propagation to Frame Rate”. If you turn this off, the signal will propagate much faster through your circuit. If you have a very complex circuit, turning this off may be desirable to increase simulation speed. However, there’s a tradeoff. A particular wire may change state multiple times during the extended propagation period, and you won’t be able to see intermediate states. For example, in the case of the Ring Oscillator sample, the intended visual effect will be ruined if the frame rate limiting is turned off.
- Wires now glow on mouse over and move to the top. This can be very helpful for following where each wire goes when many are overlapping.
- You can now quickly switch between the selection and pan tools by holding the Ctrl (or Command on Mac) key before dragging. Also, the pan tool now uses a hand mouse cursor.
- Flash Player 10.0 is the new minimum version. The previous build required 10.1, but I only needed to make a couple minor tweaks to support the older version. I figure it’s better if fewer people need to upgrade before trying Logicly.
Enjoy! As always, please report a bug if you find one. Be sure to follow @logicly on Twitter and like Logicly on Facebook to stay up to date and see cool stuff as I’m adding it.