In the 1.1 release of Logicly, you’ll find two useful new features that many have requested. First, logic gates symbols from the IEC standard are now available. I know many prefer this style over the ANSI/IEEE “distinctive” symbols that Logicly offers by default. Just open up the Settings window, and you can find “Symbol Style” in the Appearance section.
I’ve also added the ability to create logic gates with more than two inputs. If you’ve been following Logicly on Facebook and Twitter, you probably already knew this feature has been in development because I asked for some advice about how many inputs everyone might expect to need. Based on your answers, I decided on a maximum of eight inputs, but I’m certainly willing to adjust that amount if you can suggest good uses for more than eight.
Your installation of Logicly should ask to update automatically from time to time, and you will receive 1.1 in the next cycle. If you don’t want to wait, just open to the Help menu and select Check for Updates… to manually download and install the new version.
If you think Logicly is a useful tool, and you enjoy seeing new features like these, please offer your support and purchase Logicly for $29. Thank you.