Logicly lets you drag and drop components onto the editing surface and manipulate them easily with your mouse.
To add a component to the document, drag it from the component picker on the left side of the window to the editing surface on the right. Drop it at any location on the editing surface by releasing the left mouse button.
To select a single component in the document, click it with your mouse. It will be highlighted blue to indicate that it has been selected.
To select multiple components, click on an empty area of the editing surface and drag the selection rectangle around all of the components you want to select. Alternatively, hold Shift on your keyboard while clicking on a component to add or remove it from the set of selected components.
To delete a component from the document, select it, and then click the Delete button in the upper tool bar. Alternatively, press either Delete or Backspace on your keyboard to delete the selected component. You may also right-click the editing surface and choose Delete from the context menu.
To move a component to a new location in the document, use your mouse to pick it up and drag it. Alternatively, use your keyboard arrow keys to nudge the component by a small amount. If you hold the Shift key while pressing the arrow keys, you can nudge the component a number of pixels equal to the grid size setting.
To rotate a component 90 degrees, select it, and the press either the Rotate component Clockwise button or the Rotate component Counter-Clockwise button
on the upper tool bar. Alternatively, press < or > on your keyboard. You may also right-click the editing surface and choose Rotate Clockwise or Rotate Counter-Clockwise from the context menu.
Signal is passed around the circuit by connecting components with "wires".
To create a connection click a component's output pin (a circular connector, usually on the right side), and drag a wire to an unconnected input pin. Compatible pins will be highlighted in blue. Input pins may only be connected to a single output pin. An output pin may be connected to many input pins.
To delete a connection, click the wire to select it, and then click the Delete button in the upper tool bar. Alternately, you may right click and choose Delete Connection from the context menu.
Tip: When you hover your mouse over a wire, it will be reordered to the top. If you have a particularly complex circuit, this can be helpful for determining where an individual wire is connected.
To add a point to a connection, click a wire and drag. A point will be added. Alternately, you may right-click a wire and choose Add Point from the context menu.
Tip: Points will snap to the same vertical and horizontal positions as other points on the same wire. Use this capability to create perfectly straight wires and 90 degree angles.
To delete a point from a connection, right-click the point and choose Delete Point.